
God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists: Proof That the Atheist Doesn’t Exist is unavailable, but you can change that!

Contrary to popular opinion, the existence of God can be proven—absolutely, scientifically, without reference to faith or even the Bible. It is also possible to prove that the Bible is supernatural in origin. This book will do just that. This book proves to atheists that they don’t exist, reveals to agnostics their true motives, and strengthens the faith of the believers. This book answers...

“Well, he’s not actually in the box.” Your smile broadens as you ask, “Is he in there or isn’t he?” “You don’t understand. What happens is that unseen television signals are transmitted through the air. They are then picked up by what is called an antenna or receiver and sent down wires through electrical impulses into this plug, along this cord, and into the set.” The tone of your voice changes. “Do you expect me, a rational, logical human being, to believe that this newsreader of yours floats invisibly
Pages 43–44